1. Interviewer - New role in HC

πŸ“Œ Overview: The Interviewer is responsible for conducting interviews, screening documents, and tests. In this role, they can only have access to information about candidates assigned by the Recruiter or Assistant.


In Member Central, Service Admin or Space Owner can add/edit a member’s role as Interviewer.

Interviewers who are not assigned or involved in processing a candidate will not get access to or view his/her information.

2. Interviewer - New role in HC

πŸ”₯ Never miss any important updates right on your Slack!
‍Introducing Company Central Slack Application.
  • Now Hire Central is able to send you notification messages in a specific channel in your Slack Space
  • Each update about a candidate will be sent to a thread for continuous tracking

What Action shall you get notifications in Slack

  • New Applied Candidates
  • Change assignee of a Candidate
  • Set up interviews (Review time slot, Confirmed by Candidate, Cancelled)
  • Giving Score for Screening and Interviews
  • Reminder of interviews


How to connect:

  1. Use Space Owner account to connect Slack in Member Central > App & Integration:
  1. Connect to your Slack Workspace
  1. From β€œMember Central”, you will see the connect successful message
  1. Now, Company Central Slack App has been installed in your Slack Workspace

β€πŸ“Œ If you want to send notifications to a Public or Private channel, please add Company Central Slack App to the targeted one.

  1. In Hire Central, Service Admin can select the Channel to receive notifications:
  1. Voila! It’s done, let’s enjoy the prompt notification from Hire Central in your Slack Channel!


3. Custom Candidate Information

πŸ“Œ Custom candidate information can be viewed on the Candidate Information page.


  1. Set up Custom Field for Register new Candidate information in Hire Central / Setting / Custom Field
  1. When Registering Candidate / Or edit a candidate> Input data for these fields
  1. This information will be shown in the right side bar of the Candidate Information

4. Your INBOX - your TASK!

βœ… From today, your INBOX will only show your assigned candidates! Stay out of non-of-your-business candidates!

5. Rename Recruitment Steps

🚢 Edit your Recruitment Steps name that fits your organization!


  1. In Hire Central, go to Settings > Recruitment Steps
  1. Click Edit icon of any step
  1. Change the name and Save! Voila, now the recruitment step name is changed everywhere in Hire Central!


Thank you so much and Stay Tuned for our New Upcoming features of AI!